Children's Books
The wild realm presents boundless splendor and excitement for young adventurers. Here are a few books that will unveil the marvels of our world. Preener has no affiliation with these authors or publishers and is not being compensated for recommending them.
Milo and the Magical Stones (ages 4-8) Marcus Pfister, author of The Rainbow Fish, tells a story story about environmental choices where the reader gets to choose between two possible endings. |
Julian Lennon takes kids onboard the White Feather Flier to explore the Earth to discover issues and influence positive social and environmental changes. This 3-book collection for ages 3-6 includes:
Insects & Bugs for Kids (ages 6-12) Author Jaret C. Daniels, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Entomology at the University of Florida. This book introduces kids to some common insects and describes their habitats, diets, and value to the ecosystem. |