Libros para adultos
Para aquellos que quieran aprender más
sobre la biodiversidad y qué acciones pueden
tomar para apoyar a las aves, los polinizadores y otros animales salvajes de su comunidad, a continuación encontrará una lista de libros excelentes. Están disponibles en numerosos sitios web y en múltiples formatos. Preener no está afiliado a estos autores o editores
y no recibe compensación
por estas recomendaciones.
(2014) El paisaje vivo: diseño para la belleza y la biodiversidad en el jardín del hogar Douglas Tallamy, profesor del departamento de Entomología y Ecología de la Vida Silvestre de la Universidad de Delaware, comparte estrategias sobre cómo crear un exquisito jardín familiar que lo tenga todo: belleza, áreas de juego, plantas comestibles, además de alimento y refugio para su vida silvestre local. |
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(2015) Plantar en un mundo possalvaje:
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(2018) Dirt to Soil: One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture Author Gabe Brown reveals how a financial crisis prompted him to rethink how he managed his 5,000-acre farm in North Dakota leading him to regenerative agriculture, which has yielded a plethora of tangible and intangible benefits. |
(2020) Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard Douglas Tallamy, professor in the department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, details how everyone with a yard can make a positive environmental impact. He clearly explains the current biodiversity crisis and advocates for home gardens and landscaping that provide habitats for native species. |
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(2021) The Nature of Oaks Douglas Tallamy, professor in the department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, emphasizes the importance of the mighty Oak. Oak trees are a keystone species, meaning they play a vital role in the ecosystem and are essential for its survival. A single oak tree can provide food for over 100 animals. The leaf litter and soil beneath oak trees provide cover, breeding grounds, and nourishment for millions of organisms. The book offers tips on selecting, planting, and nurturing these vital trees. |
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(2023) The Regenerative Landscaper Eric Ohlsen, master of regenerative design, delves into the pressing biodiversity crises, urging individuals to embrace stewardship of the earth while offering expert advice on creating and cultivating a permaculture sanctuary that nurtures the indigenous ecosystem. |
(2024) Nature's Action Guide: Author Sarah Jane, organic market farm and nursery owner, helps homeowners and renters take the actions needed to support biodiversity wherever they live and work, and play. The book features fifteen urgently needed actions, each including a checklist, step-by-step instructions, recommended resources, and informative tips. |