Return Policy
We're happy to accept returns within 30 days of delivery to you. Items must be:
- In their original condition
- Disassembled, if originally delivered disassembled
- In the original packaging.
To return item(s) purchased in store:
If you purchased your item from a retail store, you must complete your return with that store. Please take the item(s), your receipt, and original packaging to the store where the item was purchased.
For item(s) ordered directly from the preener shop online:
Locate your order number. This was included in your order confirmation email. If this email is no longer available, contact us and we can help you find the order number using the recipient’s name and shipping address.
Call or email us to get a return slip. Call our Support team at 1.800.334.7309 ext. 1100 or email us at We will be happy to assist you in generating a return slip and shipping label.
Print the shipping label and return slip that we email you and bring the package to a nearby drop-off location. If you are unable to bring your item to a drop-off location, you can schedule a pickup by contacting the carrier named on the label (UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.).
Return Shipping Fee
If the item is damaged, faulty, or doesn't match the listing description, contact us within 30 days of the receipt of the item and we will arrange the return shipping at no cost to you.
If you are returning the item for any other reason, you are responsible for return shipping. Delivery shipping fees or service charges collected on the order will not be refunded. This includes:
- $4.99 delivery charge for orders under $35
- Upgraded shipping charges (expedited, express, etc.)
In either case, the original order number must be located first. See Locate your order number above.
Shipping cost: Return shipping costs will vary depending on the location of the return, size and weight of the item, selected carrier, return method, and urgency.
Note: If an order is returned to us because you refused delivery, we will charge the appropriate return shipping cost. This will be deducted from your refund.
Refund Timing
We will initiate your refund once the returned items are received. Please allow up to 2 weeks (10 business days) for us to fully process your return and issue your refund.